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Frequently asked questions

The ad will be rejected if it violates the terms of the 6abbo platform. For example, the owner of the ad creates multiple accounts, or his account information is misleading and incorrect, also any duplicate, previously deleted or recreated and published ad will be rejected

You can purchase a promoted ad by going to the home page, clicking on “My Account”, then selecting “My Ads”, choosing the ad you want to promote, then clicking on “Increase Views”, selecting the service period you need from the “Promotion Package” and clicking on “Purchase Now”.

You can purchase a Residential company account by "Registering a Residential company" from the menu at the top of the screen, then purchasing and activating a Residential company account and enjoying the many features of the account.

You can purchase a companies and services account by "registering a service company" from the list at the top of the screen, then purchasing and activating a companies account and registering the services provided so that your company appears in the list of registered services on Tabu.

You can change your password by entering the registration page, selecting "Create an account / login", then entering your phone number used to create your account, pressing "Forgot your password", confirming your phone number, then pressing the "Send password" button