beauty center for sale 10000m It is an independent villa in West Amman (3) floors, and an elevator serving all floors ery special location Building age 10 years It has many customers and a good reputation . massage bed . Moroccan Bath . Special section for manicure and body care . Education and training rooms . Customer reception department Special section for VIP Lots of staff and cosmetic specialists It has branches in Jordan He holds several international agencies for cosmetics 00962795180382
حدد زيارتك في اوقات النهار
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يفضل استخدام شيكات بنكية مصدقة عند الدفع
لا تقم بدفع عربون قبل التأكد من ملكية العقار
750,000 د.أ
800,000 د.أ
125,000 د.أ
100 د.أ